DT’s wireless infra masterplan progresses in Greece

dtw143-tt-greek wireless infra

Source: Adrien Delforge / Unsplash

Greek incumbent OTE flags board approval for creation of new TowerCo, following review.

This article includes:

  • Geographic: Austria; Bosnia & Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Central and eastern Europe; Croatia; Czech Republic; Europe; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Montenegro; North Macedonia; Poland; Romania; Saudi Arabia; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain.
  • Organisations: A1 Telekom Austria; Actis; Brookfield Asset Management; Cellnex; Cosmote e-Value; Cosmote Payments; Cosmote Technical Services; Crnogorski Telekom; Deutsche Telekom; DigitalBridge; EuroTeleSites; GD Towers; Germanos; Hrvatski Telekom; Magenta Telekom; Magyar Telekom; Makedonski Telekom; OTE Academy; OTE Estate; OTE Group; OTE Rural North; OTE Rural South; T-Mobile Czech Republic; T-Mobile Poland; TAWAL; Telekom Romania Mobile; Telekom Srbija; UltrafastOTE; United Group.
  • Themes: Artificial intelligence; Cosmote Fiber; Cosmote TV; FTTH; TowerCo; Wireless infrastructure.

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