Crnogorski Telekom re-hires Amdocs on revenue tool update

dtw142-tt-crnogorski amdocs

Source: Crnogorski Telekom

Montenegrin telco to replace and upgrade CRM and billing systems from a previous tie-up with Amdocs.

This article includes:

  • Geographic: Austria; Czech Republic; Montenegro; USA.
  • Organisations: Amdocs; AT&T; Crnogorski Telekom; Deutsche Telekom; Hrvatski Telekom; Magenta Telekom; Magyar Telekom; OpenAI; T-Mobile; T-Mobile Czech Republic; T-Mobile US; Telekom Deutschland.
  • Themes: Billing; Cloud; Cost-efficiency; CRM; Customer experience; Customer relationship management; Customer support; Digital transformation; Flexibility; Ordering; Revenue tool; Scalability; Security.

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