Canny T-Mobile Poland whole-buys its way to ten million premises footprint

dtw140-tt-tmpl wholesale

Source: T-Mobile Poland

T-Mobile Poland activates broadband services on Vectra Group network, taking its premises reach into eight figure territory.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Deutsche Telekom; Fiberhost; Nexera; Orange Poland; Polski Światłowód Otwarty; PŚO; Światłowód Inwestycje; T-Mobile Poland (TMPL); Vectra Group.
  • Geographic: Europe; Germany; Greece; Poland.
  • People: Dominique Leroy.
  • Themes: B2B services; Broadband; Cable; DOCSIS 3.1; Fibre; Fixed-line; LTE; M&A; Mobile; Next-generation broadband; Wholesale; XGS-PON.

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