All Corporate articles
‘Mike wanted Srini’: DT released top exec for USA ops mission
Chief Executive Tim Höttges discusses the reasoning behind key lieutenant Srini Gopalan’s switch from Germany to the USA, and why he was willing to let him leave DT’s European base.
Ex-Telefónica CFO in line for boardroom spot at rival DT
Rachel Empey, former high-profile finance and strategy boss at Telefónica Deutschland, is one of a trio of nominees to Deutsche Telekom’s Supervisory Board, in latest refresh of directors.
stc’s CEO joins Telefónica board as new shareholders reset pecking order
Long-anticipated boardroom rejig sees stc boss Olayan Alwetaid confirmed as telco’s representative in Spain, following recent stake increase — but Spanish government expand its influence over decision-making in parallel.
Ex-Vodafone CEO Nick Read joins another digital infra boardroom
Nick Read picks up another digital infra role, expanding on I Squared Capital links to chair its DC service provider nLighten. Since leaving Vodafone, Read has built up a portfolio of non-exec posts in the infra world…
Strategy & Change
BT ‘remains committed’ to diversity despite dropping DEI calculator
BT’s decision to drop the diversity, equity, and inclusion targets from its management bonus scheme comes as the corporate world reassesses the benefits of DEI measures. BT claims to be ready to move on with DEI already embedded, but has it reneged on commitments without first meeting targets?
Vodafone recalls dealmaker Dingemans — why?
New board appointment insources Dingemans, 25 years after he starred in the mega-merger with Mannesmann. Older edition adds CFO expertise, operational chops, private equity nous, and more theatre. Click/login to read more…
Financial & Performance
Kirkby: multinational B2B ‘ripe for consolidation’ as BT pursues exit
BT H1: mutlinational corporate segment no longer a telco’s game, says CEO Allison Kirkby, and a divestment will accelerate turnaround plans. Talks ongoing with several parties, with both Global and Portfolio channels up for sale. UK business not immune to decline in the meantime…
Financial & Performance
Deloitte slams TalkTalk’s financial controls, resigns auditor role
Deloitte quits as TalkTalk’s auditor after 22 years and issues damning statement about the broadband provider’s financial reporting controls.
Tesco Mobile draws new finance chief from parent Virgin Media O2
Matt Ward takes up the mantle as Tesco Mobile’s CFO.
Openreach corporate affairs and brand chief exits
Catherine Colloms, long-time Director of Corporate Affairs & Brand, has left Openreach after leading the business through its BT split.
Openreach opens ‘snazzy’ new City HQ
BT’s access services business has moved its HQ to a new site in London, closing out a tenure at ‘tired’ King’s Cross offices.
BT Peoplewatch: as Kirkby ups the transformational ante, ex-CEO Patterson goes boardroom ‘goliath’
40+ senior/strategic appointments across BT Group, including: new CEO Allison Kirkby making mark with more transformation-focused imports; ex-CEO Gavin Patterson makes it boardroom berth number-eight; and major changes at revamped BT Business. Fibre build remains priority at Openreach, while Consumer beds in fresh device and marketing leadership. Read more…
BT adds transformation expertise to board, seeks out ‘operational resilience’
Ex-Barclays finance chief Tushar Morzaria appointed to BT Board of Directors, with Chairman Adam Crozier lauding ‘corporate change’ specialism and adding further transformation expertise to the BT boardroom.
CriteriaCaixa becomes largest Telefónica shareholder with 5%
CriteriaCaixa exerts its muscle at Telefónica as CaixaBank gradually fades away.
BT Consumer's Allera backs Kirkby after missing out on top job
Consumer CEO suggests he had plans to “do something really quite interesting” had he been picked for the Group’s top job, but backs Kirkby to bring telco nous to the role.
Telefónica seeks more time to resolve DT logo clash
Spanish group seeks to extend year-long suspension of IP rights dispute surrounding its 2021 ‘T’ logo refresh.
e& CEO Hatem Dowidar to take seat on Vodafone board
It’s a happy Valentine’s Day for Vodafone and e& as the partners obtain regulatory approval to get together in the board room.
Analysis: BT hoping for ‘new manager bounce’ as Kirkby enters dugout
TelcoTitans’ CEO index suggests Kirkby’s years at Telia may prove the foundations for a positive start to life at BT.
Deutsche Telekom goes strategic with new BT board rep
DT Chief Operating Officer Raphael Kübler to join BT boardroom to oversee stake and keep an eye on transformation agenda.
Strategy & Change
‘Ripping off the plaster’: BT braces for short-term pain to right long-term B2B wrongs
BT Business CEO Bas Burger warns that the division’s turnaround programme will be necessarily painful, with benefits only set to emerge after a difficult beginning.