Analysis: Latest Financial Results Coverage – Page 21

  • dtw103-tt-towerco-expansion
    Network & Infrastructure

    Deutsche Telekom waiting in wings for TowerCo expansion


    CFO Illek wants to see how Vantage Towers IPO pans out before making any big moves On prowl for investor partners through Digital Infrastructure Vehicle set up in collaboration with Cellnex. Flags Deutsche Funkturm’s “good price” and M&A possibilities. Selling tower assets to make a quick euro, à ...

  • dtw103-tt-contract-extensions

    DT’s tech and M&A chiefs earn contract extensions


    Thorsten Langheim (USA & Group Development) and Claudia Nemat (Technology & Innovation) both pick up new five-year deals. CEO Höttges underlines stability and momentum for the Group.

  • tfw152-tt-results-wobbles
    Financial & Performance

    Telefónica wobbles over 2020 finish line, targets stability


    Revenue and OIBDA drop 11% as double-whammy of COVID-19 and currency fluctuations hit. Guidance on cash flow just about achieved, while FY21 focus will be on stabilisation. Dividend reduced by 25% as COVID-19 challenges continue, and 5G auctions loom. Telefónica Infra picking up minority stakes in Group infrastructure as ...

  • Consumer Q3 FY19–20 — treble-whammy

    Consumer Q3 FY20–21 — treble-whammy


    Consumer agony looks prolonged.

  • Openreach Q3 FY19–20 — what disruption?

    Openreach Q3 FY20–21 — what disruption?


    Business as nearly normal at Openreach. 

  • btw321-tt-bt-global-results

    BT Global Q3 FY20–21 — still hitting the hard numbers


    Global benefits from past surgery.

  • BT Enterprise Q3 FY19–20 — down but not yet out

    BT Enterprise Q3 FY20–21 — down but not yet out


    Enterprise continues struggle.

  • btw321-tt-bt-results-simon-lowth

    BT Q3 FY20–21 results: gone today, (hopefully) here tomorrow


    Nobody obviously interested in Q3, but shares down sharply. Calendar of optimism around pandemic bounce back and fresh starts. Jansen despairingly concedes transformation will take at least five years. BT doing best to railroad Ofcom on fibre-critical WFTMR.

  • dtw100-tt-roland-doll-european-market-b
    Strategy & Change

    Vodafone centralising national tech functions for Europe platform union


    In-country tech leadership to be extracted and taken over by Group, as part of broader, homogenisation-focused regional reorg. Top Group execs in London hope move will address longstanding frustration with fragmentation and bring efficiencies and speed. Some in OpCos might continue to have other ideas…

  • vfw194-tt-nick-read-m-and-a

    Vodafone’s Read coy on Spanish M&A possibilities


    “Pragmatic” Vodafone will “always examine opportunities to enhance and strengthen our business”, says Group Chief Executive.

  • btw321-tt-bt-global-brussels
    Strategy & Change

    BT slims down in Brussels: report


    Reports emerge that BT Global Services Belgium is planning to cut its staff by 25%. Market changes and COVID-19 impact cited as key drivers. Asset-light strategy apparently reaching Belgian shores.

  • Elsewhere in Deutsche Telekom Group
    Strategy & Change

    Elsewhere in Deutsche Telekom Group: Supervisory Board chairman search continues


    Ex-BMW CEO Krüger said to have turned down chairmanship. Audit swap said to hit politics. Group gets wind of energy startup MOWEA.

  • dtw101-tt-t-mobile-money
    Partnerships & Alliances

    T-Mobile MONEY partner banks contract extension


    White label banking provider BankMobile flags the success of its T-Mobile partnership as a contract extension is signed and Sprint customers added. Vendor aims to add another “large” partner due in 2021.

  • vfw192-31-read

    Vodafone Q2 FY20–21


    Cost-cutting props up performance during COVID-19-hit quarter and CFO indicates she is preparing to step up efficiency plans further. Lag in delivery of leadership’s “Phase Two” plans, including Tech 2025, muddying attempts to assure stakeholders of a brighter future. Lots of talk of “underlying” strength as Group’s leadership seeks ...

  • vfw192-32-storm

    Headline numbers: weathering the storm, for now


    Key numbers relatively solid, reflecting telecoms sector’s cushioning from worst of pandemic disruption. Cost-cutting props up earnings, offsetting top-line weakness. Results preceded latest coronavirus response measures, which will have exacerbated drag on roaming revenue. Government support measures and resumption of international travel cited as key to maintaining solidity.

  • Visita centre nou Vodafone

    Guidance: tightly-wound numbers obscure future


    On a like-for-like basis, Vodafone Group is holding its own in the pandemic so far and leadership appears confident regarding short-term outlook. Longer-term prospects remain a question mark, however, especially as cost-cutting — rather than the top-line growth — is keeping the Group on a steady course. Asset sales ...

  • vfw192-33-sim

    Spend: Della Valle dials it up on COVID cost-cutting


    CFO flags acceleration of savings push during H1, and possibility of a further expansion of ambitions for the post-COVID era. Planned developments at Vodafone Procurement Company briefly mooted. Stark Retail and Shared Services cutbacks detailed.

  • vfw196-26-sa-helps-vodacom

    Africa: resilient SA helps Vodacom through crisis


    Vodacom continues to perform well despite regulatory and macro pressures across its regional footprint. However, unfavourable currency trends remain fly in the ointment when Group’s results are translated to Vodafone’s P&L. No sign yet that Vodafone management is going cool on its commitment to Africa, despite weaknesses and willingness ...

  • vfw192-tt-vodafoneziggo
    Strategy & Change

    Liberty likes idea of VodafoneZiggo listing


    Vodafone partner’s CFO argues that an IPO would command “premium valuation” in comparison with incumbent KPN. Bracken casts Vodafone as “wonderful partner”, and that the JV has done a “great job” in cutting costs and increasing revenue. Talks enthusiastically about VodafoneZiggo as “national FMC champion”. ...

  • Q3 FY20: Europe fix now tops agenda for transformed DT

    Deutsche Telekom Group Q3 FY20


    Twin-track Group resilient in Europe while continuing to achieve strong growth in the USA. Mismatch between prospects and sentiment in two regions has become a key challenge for management. Attention turning to next strategic cycle, and how DT will seek to reinvigorate Europe-side businesses in stodgy political and regulatory ...